Developing good habits in the classroom will make a huge difference this year, the rest of high school and when or if you choose directly to career or college. Now is the time to improve those habits and skills. If you follow these tips, you’ll get more out of class, and you’ll probably enjoy being there!
• JOIN IN ON CLASS DISCUSSION. Don’t sit quietly in the back-participate in the conversation!
• ASK QUESTIONS IF YOU DON’T UNDERSTAND SOMETHING. As the old adage goes: if you didn’t understand it, there’s a good chance others didn’t either.
• KEEP UP WITH CLASS ASSIGNMENTS. Keep a checklist of when they’re due—or finish them before the due date.
• CHECK FOR PHONE APPS to remind you about deadlines, assignments, and exams.
Tips to Learn How to Learn
Keep Your Eyes on the Prize
A Checklist to Make the Most of Your Sophomore year
10 Skills You Need to Succeed